Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hello from Cambodia!

Hello everyone,

After a long and eventful journey I'm happy to have arrived safely in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. My long (14 hour) flight was fine but I had some issues in Korea during layover... my wallet went missing during a security check. I was sent on a wild-goose chase to various gates and desks by some very friendly but unfortunately misguided Korean staff.

Running back and forth to different ends of the airport jeopardized my ability to get on my connecting flight, so I was left with no choice but to make a mad dash for the boarding gate with my passport and ticket, but no money! Needless to say, it wasn't the most encouraging of situations. I really believe that God was at work behind the scenes*, though, and after getting onto the plane in the nick of time, I eventually landed in the Phnom Penh airport.

Not having my wallet posed a problem, as there is a $25 visa fee for entering the country. After calling the Hansons, Ginny was allowed to enter the airport and give me the $25. It is unheard of for someone without a passport to be allowed past customs and immigration! As we were standing on line for the visa, a Cambodian man approached us carrying a sign with my name. He informed me that my wallet was found in Korea and would arrive the next day at the Cambodian airport with all my money accounted for! Clearly, there is a God watching out for me. :)

I spent the night at Eric and Ginny's, and moved into my new home this morning. The house is great, my room is beautiful and I will be posting pictures soon. I was able to say hello to most of the IHSI staff and take a jet-lag reducing nap as well. I'm now officially unpacked and will be heading to the market for a few things tomorrow.... Tomorrow is also a devotional and staff meeting, so I'm looking forward to that.

I am actually about to leave for the airport to get my wallet! Thank you all for your support and encouragement; I'll be posting more soon!


*(Interestingly, Eric in Cambodia was moved to pray for me during the same time that I was running around like a crazy person in Korea! Prayers are imporant, folks.)


  1. God is so good! Praise you Lord! Can't wait to see the apartment. Love you and have a good day.

  2. emily, it is so good to hear from you and about you! so grateful for His care for you. we miss you already at house of prayer. in Him, liz

  3. oh i am sooooo glad you made it safely in the knick of time lol... sorry to hear about the whole wallet situation... that just stinks on ice em. I miss you sooo much! I can't wait to hear more about cambodia and what you are doing there...!

  4. How wonderful it is to know that God has been with you during your if there was any doubt!! It is so reaasuring when we see Him at work! Taylor says she hopes you will be teaching others about Jesus soon and God bless you and Ariana added that she wished we were there with you!
    Love in Christ

  5. Can't wait to see pictures of your new pad. I am excited when I see your new blogs and emails! Keep us posted, OK?
    In His Love,

  6. w00t w00t!! sounds like some good heartpounding non-fun fun.
    Take heart, for it is -5 degrees here and I'm sure you've heard about the crash landing a plane on the Hudson River incident. Or maybe you haven't?

  7. @Jocelyn thanks... can't blv how soon it is until you'll be here!

    @Nicole it's okay now that' it's all worked out :) hope you're doing well!

    @TheLawlors awww that's so cute, tell Taylor and Ariana that everyone here still remembers and loves them :)

    @Noah yeah the weather here is nice. quite nice. as you can see from the handy-dandy Weather Widget to the right side of the screen... yep i heard abt the plane. craziness.

    @Blayne thanks, I'm bummed about the camera issues I'm having but hopefully they will be ironed out soon so you all can see
