Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Long Week (Pics of Aaron and Saang District)

Hi everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update and show some pictures...

Explanation of pictures, in order:
-Aaron, our new little buddy (see previous post for explanation)
-Some students at our Foundation Center in Saang district
-Community playground at the Foundation Center
-Volleyball players in Saang
-Moses, one of the children in our Loaves and Fish program (he has grown so much recently!)

I had a bit of a rough start this week, and was actually pretty sick on Monday from a 24-hour bug of some kind. It wore me out a bit but I was fine by the next day. I'm very glad it didn't last longer because it wasn't a very fun experience! But I'm doing great now, so no worries.

Our newest staff member, Joanne from New Zealand, arrived here on Wednesday. Joanne will be writing programs and helping with teachings for Sak Saum and other ministries. It was very nice to finally meet her! She's quite chatty and friendly; I think we will get along nicely. :)

Yesterday we had an international staff dinner, with some different ethnic foods that a few of us made. Sveta from Russia made borscht (beet) soup, I made some guacamole and salsa (yes, I know it's not exactly "American" but then again most American food is borrowed from other places anyway), and we also had a Thai curry dish. It was a fun night and great for staff to get to know each other better. Then late last night, Jocelyn from New York arrived. It's great to see her and hear how everyone at home is doing. I'm looking forward to the youth retreat she'll be speaking at.

Hope you all are well!



  1. Aaron is so adorable! And you probably should have had hot dogs or hamburgers for your dinner, but I understand why you didn't think ahead of time of bringing hot dogs with you. :-)
    Glad to hear all is well!
    - Jordan

  2. haha well I don't eat hot dogs if I can avoid them...
    plus hot dogs and hamburgers originate in Franfurt and Hamburg, Germany! :P :P :P
